On the night before a major Christian feast, a liturgy of Vigils was traditionally sung. Today’s night watchmen also bear this name, but they are not asked to sing. There is, however, a vigil bird with talents that are somewhat overlooked, which competes favourably with the nightingale and, like it, sings mainly at night in spring. It is the bush warbler, which lives in Eastern Europe. The soloists of this species that I have selected have both sung at midnight, in Latvia and Poland. I myself was born at midnight, and I enjoyed associating them with my music, carefully selecting and transcribing some of their best improvisations. The instruments freely colour the sounds and rhythms of their animal companion, and like him, they light up the night.
When Thierry Pécou and his ensemble Variances offered me this commission, I jumped at the chance to benefit from their exceptional virtuosity. I had been delighted to discover for several years that they were moving in a direction close to my own, and that their generation was no longer unwilling to show the extent to which the musical life of the animal world shares some essential features with our own. Far from the picturesque or humorous uses to which composers for centuries confined any musical allusion to the sounds of nature, we are now recognising that music itself is the product of natural play, and that art, the eminent activity of the human species, is not its absolute privilege. By recognising the shared values of a few animal voices, we may henceforth foster a more just appreciation of humanity’s status, and a beneficial recognition of the limits of its natural environment and the absurd waste it makes of it. The extermination to which we see so many animal species condemned unfortunately gives the rediscovery of their voices a melancholy echo. The death of languages, like that of insects and birds, is a threat that humanity can partly avert by revising certain pretensions, correcting certain abuses, sacrificing many illusions and remaining vigilant.
flute, clarinet, guitar or harp, piano, sampler and fixed sounds or 2 perc. (8 combinations)First performance
Caen, 27 January 2021 by the Ensemble Variances