After composing a guitar work entitled Ugarit in 1998, I thought it might be interesting to adapt it for the harpsichord, in much the same way as I had adapted the harpsichord piece Guntur madu for organ in 1990. In the case of the guitar and the harpsichord, the extremely different techniques of the two instruments, combined with their common use of the plucked string, raised a challenging difficulty in achieving this metamorphosis. The five works I had composed before this one for Elisabeth Chojnacka explored different facets of her instrument, often combining it with other means, and I had always fixed quite precisely the timbres I wanted. Here, on the contrary, I gave the performer complete freedom to organize the registration, believing that the writing was sufficient to suggest the possible options.
harpsichord soloFirst performance
2.7.2000 Radio-France, Présences Festival , E.Chojnacka