Water reproduces, fragments, inverts and blurs the images reflected in it, sometimes creating a fascinating second world. Poets and musicians (Tristan Lhermite and Claude Debussy among them) have often drawn wonderful evocations from it. And one of Venice’s privileges is to multiply these images. But here it is less the dreamy contemplation of forms than their animated profusion that I have sought to produce. The living musical images and those of recorded sounds are part of a lively common game.
This game was proposed by the Accroche Note ensemble, which gave me the opportunity to continue many years of exemplary artistic collaboration with them. As players and referees, they exercise exceptional virtuosity in integrating themselves into the world of loudspeakers, which is entirely transcribed onto their score.
It is mainly instrumental sounds, more or less familiar, that are put into action, but they are never a simple background sound. Rather than representing a frozen surface on which the living elements bounce back and distort themselves, they are organised around the same active processes: more or less delayed anticipations or echoes, anamorphoses, more or less tight tiling, unisons and synchronicities, various complementarities – all these variations are reflected in living water.
soprano, clarinet and fixed soundsFirst performance
Venice Biennale 12 October 2016 Accroche Note