At the beginning of 2016, the Fondation Cartier asked me to write a text for the catalogue of its exhibition “Le grand orchestre des animaux”, which ran from June to December. This first collaboration prompted me to suggest organising a concert illustrating the musicality of certain animals. The foundation then programmed a monographic concert for one of its ‘Soirées nomades’, during which, on 13 December 2016, Alcyone, which had been commissioned, was premiered along with three other of my pieces.
The venue for the concert was most unusual, the Grand Galerie de l’Évolution at the Museum of Natural History. It was there that pianist Maki Belkin brilliantly presented this new piece for piano and African cossyph songs.
piano and African cossyph songsFirst performance
Paris, Museum of Natural History, 13 December 2016 Maki Belkin