In 2000, Les Percussions de Strasbourg invited me to take part in a collaborative project with Taiwan’s Ju Percussion Group, and I immediately accepted. During a trip to Taiwan in February 2001, we defined the terms of this Franco-Chinese collaboration: one hour of concert, half of which would be given to a Frenchman, and the other half to a Chinese woman, Chien Hui-Hung. As we were in the Year of the Serpent, and the project involved 12 musicians, I came up with the idea of calling it Les 12 lunes du serpent. Two seasons – or six “moons” – were assigned to each composer, and for my part I opted for spring and autumn, which can also be played as stand-alone pieces.
L’automne du serpent departs from the precise, extreme naturalism of the other season, to draw more abstract inspiration from a certain global vision of autumn. It is not the Romantic season, with its dark exaltation and the threatening intrusion of death, that colors this music, but rather a fulfillment analogous to that evoked by Antiquity: the abundant opulence of fruit, and a gradually calming euphoria.
12 percussionists, including 2 pianistsFirst performance
12.1.01, Grenoble, Festival Les 38èmes Rugissants, Percussions de Strasbourg et Ju Percussion Group