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MELANGA(Opus 84)
November 200120'Musique vocale
gamelan (dir. by John Pawson), Aline Millet-Marteville, Martine Joste


Melanga (anagram of gamelan), commissioned by GRAME and the Cité de la Musique de Paris, is a work for Javanese slendro gamelan, a female singer and a sampler. The idea came to me during a composition master class I gave in Jakarta in April 2000. The talent of singer Muriah Budiarti, equally at home in the Javanese classical tradition and with modern forms of music, inspired me to write this work for her, but she was unable to ensure its creation, which was saved in extremis thanks to the exceptional talent of Aline Millet-Marteville.

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As the gamelan, with its distinctive timbres and tuning, is extremely “typical”, it was a real challenge to make it “speak” a foreign language, and avoid pastiche of the wonderful music of Java. In addition, the way in which the musicians worked and the notation also required more or less difficult adaptations. The sampler, entrusted to Martine Joste, helped me to free myself from certain limits imposed at the outset, and enabled me to diversify the resources, by associating them with other non-Indonesian sounds. To preserve the voice’s original timbre, I preferred to have her sing in her own language rather than in French. I was therefore able, not without difficulty, to find an Indonesian translation of Éluard’s poem Liberté, and it is this that is sung, completing a dialogue between the two cultures.


gamelan slendro, female voice, sampler

First performance

3.10.02 Opéra de Lyon, 11 gamelan musicians from the Cité de la Musique and London's South Bank, direction John Pawson, Martine Joste, Aline Millet-Marteville


Commissioned by

Commande de GRAME (Biennale Musiques en scène) et de la Cité de la Musique de Paris

Dedicated to

à la mémoire de Xenakis


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