I wanted to revive the archetypal litany, now much discredited by Christianity, and see if, after having been effective “millions of times” in the history of mankind, this out-of-use formula retained something of its emotional power.
The proclamation of innocence, multiplied throughout the work, comes up against hostile powers. I also wanted to evoke those dangerous forces that constantly prevent us from “coming out into the day”. Formulas for Coming Out into the Day is better known as the Egyptian Book of the Dead, but the real title, freely translated, corresponds well to the one I gave to the piece. Many composers have been inspired by this text, but this is the first time the original has been uttered. It is pronounced both as song and (synthesized) speech, in an alternation that illustrates the archetypal responsorial litany.
mezzo soprano and 2 samplers with Midi keyboardsFirst performance
4.10.98 Paris, Radio-France. F.Kubler, M.Joste, F.Tanada.
DurandCommissioned by
Commande Radio-France et INA-GRMDedicated to

déclaration d’innocence 3

Déclaration d’innocence 2

Critiques – Manuel de résurrection